Laundry Day!
 Comic Strip
Laundry Day!
 Comic Strip
Laundry Day!
 Comic Strip
Laundry Day!
 Comic Strip

Laundry Day!

Date: October 26, 2004

Chapter: One Shot Wonders

Characters: Amanda, Sporkman

This is the first of the one-shot gag comics, which was destined to be the primary mode of Sporkman comic delivery. The character and his world just seem to lend themselves more easily to quick, isolated incidents. The reader is in, out, and somewhere else entirely within the span of four panels. Though I originally began doing the one-shots out of?necessity, for Keenspot's newspaper page, I kept making them long after that newspaper page required my services. I?occasionally?did some longer stories later on, but they never lasted for more than a few strips and they always felt somehow stretched too thin - like butter spread over too much bread, as it were. Sporkman just demands bite-sized comics.

Note that the date I've posted this comic under isn't strictly accurate: this strip was originally drawn on October 6th, 2004.

Remastered on August 11th, 2012.

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About The Comic

Classic Sporkman is a comic by Jodie Troutman, beginning in 2004 as a throwaway reboot of the titular character she created in high school. It's extremely silly, frequently stupid, and the comic's creator absolutely loves it. She hopes you do too. For more comics by Jodie, visit!

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