The Graduidiot!
 Comic Strip
The Graduidiot!
 Comic Strip
The Graduidiot!
 Comic Strip
The Graduidiot!
 Comic Strip

The Graduidiot!

Date: February 07, 2005

Label: Deleted

Chapter: More One Shot Wonders

Characters: Oedipus, Sporkman

This "deleted" strip was intended (obviously) to follow the previous one, but it got shelved after I'd penciled three of the four panels. Presumably I decided - like some other deleted strips - that it was slightly too risque for Sporkman. On the other hand, maybe I just didn't like it. Either way, it's certainly - in retrospect - on the same level (more or less) as the other Sporkman comics of this era, so here ya go.

As noted above, I never drew the fourth panel back in 2005, so I had to draw it here FROM THE FUTURE. I tried to match the 2005 art style as best as I could, but it still kinda stands out.

Remastered on May 8th, 2013

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About The Comic

Classic Sporkman is a comic by Jodie Troutman, beginning in 2004 as a throwaway reboot of the titular character she created in high school. It's extremely silly, frequently stupid, and the comic's creator absolutely loves it. She hopes you do too. For more comics by Jodie, visit!

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