Hail To The Chief!
 Comic Strip
Hail To The Chief!
 Comic Strip
Hail To The Chief!
 Comic Strip
Hail To The Chief!
 Comic Strip

Hail To The Chief!

Date: September 02, 2012

Label: Deleted

Chapter: Misnomer

Characters: Amanda, Sporkman

So, this is a strip that only stayed "deleted" for a couple months. Basically, after the previous two Amanda strips, I figured this strip was just?unnecessary?from a story perspective, so it got shelved after I'd already wrote and lettered it. Several weeks later, I UNdecided that, because since when does this strip give a hoot about story?

As such, you have a comic here with a script from September 2nd and art from October 20th. MAGIC!

Remastered on October 20th, 2012.

A button directing users to support the comic on Patreon.

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About The Comic

Classic Sporkman is a comic by Jodie Troutman, beginning in 2004 as a throwaway reboot of the titular character she created in high school. It's extremely silly, frequently stupid, and the comic's creator absolutely loves it. She hopes you do too. For more comics by Jodie, visit longtalljodie.com!

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