Whatever The Heck This Is And GOLD!
 Comic Strip
Whatever The Heck This Is And GOLD!
 Comic Strip
Whatever The Heck This Is And GOLD!
 Comic Strip
Whatever The Heck This Is And GOLD!
 Comic Strip

Whatever The Heck This Is And GOLD!

Date: June 30th, 2024

Chapter: Misnomer

Characters: Sporkman, Nicholle

I don't think it's an extraordinary secret that Sporkman, since at least 2005, is the comic strip I dump a lot of autobiographical information into. Now, I've never smoked, but these sorta-vapes have started appearing in my house via my roommates, and sometimes I'll take a hit. They're surprisingly satisfying. In any event, the last panel is a word for word transcription of things I said the other night. The joke wasn't successful there, so naturally I've shoved it into a comic strip for posterity.

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About The Comic

Classic Sporkman is a comic by Jodie Troutman, beginning in 2004 as a throwaway reboot of the titular character she created in high school. It's extremely silly, frequently stupid, and the comic's creator absolutely loves it. She hopes you do too. For more comics by Jodie, visit longtalljodie.com!

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